You guys inspire me! Seriously, when I visit all your blogs and see what fantastic creativity you have my inner Martha is inginated. I know Martha is not stopping by any time soon but many neighbors have been stopping me in the local haunts to tell me they have a great time seeing something new everytime they pass by.

In honor of all you I present my latest outdoor decorating feast. I think the corn stalks may need a little beefing up, they look a little whimpy to me. I also have the corn from those stalks and can't come up with a creative way to display them. Any ideas? What do you think?

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10 Responses
  1. Robin Says:

    OMG!!! How pretty is the front door to your house! I love the detail work in the door. So very quaint. (Oh, and you did a lovely job decorating too! LOL!)

  2. Chris Says:

    You're asking for advice on this? It looks amazing! I will say, maybe you could hang the corn in a bundle from the two side windows in your doorway. I don't know what the bundles look like, but they could flank your wreath. A thought...

  3. Caroline Says:

    LOVE IT...LOVE IT...LOVE IT! Don't mean to shout but that is so cute!!! Fall is the best! You rock!

  4. Tausha Says:

    i love the porch! I am so jealous! I wisht that i had a porch that I could decorate like that! Corn huh? Maybe you could tie 3 to each of the corn stalks in the front. That way you could add bulk and use the corn! SCORE!
    And, since you agreed with the whole banner and everyone else is doing it-you must do it as well. It was really simple and super cheap! my two favorite things!

  5. Insane Mama Says:

    How sweet! I love the corn stalks

  6. Ann Says:

    What the...?!? I just picked up corn stalks tonight for MY front porch!
    (My porch isn't nearly as pretty as yours. How about I just make a GIGANTIC copy of your porch and put it out front, huh?)

  7. Lex the mom Says:

    It's gorgeous, Martha! We knew you were a decorating genius!

    For real, it look fabulous! I don't have a good knack for that kind of decorating. Maybe I'm just lazy *nods head fiercely* - but that really looks great!

  8. Heather Says:

    I think it's perfect!! I love love love your front door!

  9. Says:

    WOW! This looks so awesome. I put 4 pumpkins on our front porch and called it decorated! You put me to SHAME! I like it exactly the way it is...don't change a thing!

  10. Ruth Says:

    Love, Love, Love it! Very nice, and it make me yearn (even more than I already do) for a front porch!

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